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How To Test Refrigerator Evaporator Fan Motor With Multimeter - PrecipFilter

How To Test Refrigerator Evaporator Fan Motor With Multimeter

, by Tanmoy Das, 4 min reading time

The evaporator fan motor is used to cool the air inside a refrigerator. It's usually located in the rear of the unit, but it can also be found on some models near the compressor. If your refrigerator isn't cooling properly, this is one of the first things you should check. 

The evaporator fan motor should run whenever the compressor runs and not run when it's off. If your unit doesn't seem to be cooling or freezing as well as it used to, this might be an indication that your motor has gone bad (or been replaced with a used part).

Luckily, testing an evaporator fan motor is pretty simple: all you need is a multimeter and about 15 minutes. Here is the step-by-step guide on How To Test a Refrigerator Evaporator Fan Motor With Multimeter.

Step 1: Preparation

  • Unplug the refrigerator from the power source.
  • Turn off the circuit breaker to your home's electrical box, or unplug it if there is no circuit breaker available.
  • Remove any food items and shelves that may be blocking access to the evaporator fan motor in your freezer compartment, then locate this component on its own side panel near where it connects with other parts of your appliance's interior hardware (such as ice maker lines). 

You may need to remove some screws or clips before lifting off this cover so that you can see what's inside. Just be careful not to break anything.

  • After removing all obstacles obstructing access between yourself and what appears underneath our new friend' Evaporator Fan Motor,' identify which terminals are positive (+)and negative (-)by observing their positions relative to one another. 

These should line up perfectly parallel along two sides of each terminal rather than being offset by 90 degrees (as shown above). From here, we can now proceed to test whether our motor is functioning properly using multimeter probes connected directly to those same terminals; but first, let me explain why doing so isn't quite enough yet.

Step 2: Multimeter Set-Up


To test your refrigerator evaporator fan motor with a multimeter:

  • Set the multimeter to ohms mode.
  • Touch one probe to each of the terminals on the evaporator fan motor (do not hold them against anything). If you have an analog meter, this should produce a reading somewhere between 0-1 ohm.

If you're using a digital multimeter, watch for a display that shows 'OL' or 'Overload' next to one or both of the measurements. This symbolizes an open circuit (indicating no connection). Should there be no display or reading at all, it could signal an issue with your multimeter or its probes. In such cases, retry the measurement, ensuring the probes are clean and dry before making contact with electrical components.

  • Set your multimeter back into resistance mode and connect it properly so as not to confuse yourself later: Resistance should read infinity!

Step 3: Testing the Fan Motor

  • Check the reading on the multimeter display.
  • If the multimeter shows a reading of 0 or close to 0, the motor has a short circuit and needs to be replaced.
  • If the multimeter shows an infinite reading, the motor has an open circuit and needs to be replaced.
  • If the multimeter shows a reading within the range specified by the manufacturer, then your refrigerator evaporator fan motor is functioning properly.

If you find that your refrigerator evaporator fan motor is faulty, you will need to replace the motor. If the motor is working properly, but your refrigerator still doesn't cool properly, then there may be another problem with your appliance. Call an appliance repair technician if this applies to you.

Step 4: Reassembly

Once you're sure that the fan motor is working properly, reattach any shelves or other parts that were removed. Plug the refrigerator back into the power source and let it run for about an hour to make sure everything comes back to normal temperatures before using it again.


To conclude, we can say that it is very important to test your refrigerator evaporator fan motor. If it is not working properly, then there are chances of your food getting spoiled due to excess moisture in the fridge. You can do this by following the steps mentioned above.


Author's Precipfilter_Team


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